Evanston Community Lakehouse and Gardens (ECLG) submitted a thorough 77-page response to the City of Evanston’s Request for Proposals (RFP) on Feb. 28, 2020. We addressed every condition required by the RFP. As the group who has worked since 2015 with a singular focus on engaging the community, we have every expectation of being awarded the lease. You can review the response by going to the link here on the home page.
In September of 2020, the four respondents to the RFP were asked to make a presentation to the City Council. Subsequently the City requested an addendum to the original response with particular reference to the effect of the pandemic on fundraising and budgeting. That addendum is also available here on the home page. It includes drawings of the rehabilitation phases and an updated business plan.
At this time and due to the effects of the covid-19 pandemic, ECLG is not currently soliciting donations. Pledges however are being accepted. Please go to the Pledge page on the website.
You can act now to ensure that the only publicly owned lakefront mansion in Evanston remains open and available to the public and that it is repurposed to serve all of Evanston.
All charitable donations to Evanston Community Lakehouse & Gardens (501c3) are tax-deductible.
Questions? Contact us at EvanstonLakehouse@gmail.com.
Susan Aaron
Jane Alt
Ellen Alexander
Emilie Barry
Betsy Baer
Virginia Beatty
Mary Bell
Marianne Benveniste
Camille Blachowicz
Alex Block
Jerry Brennan
Gabrielle M. Brooks
William Brown
Birch and Galen Burghardt
Nancy Burke
Debbie and Bob Burns
Lee Clifford
Cohen & Hacker Architects
Daniel Connolly
Trisha Connolly
Liz Cramer
Linda Damashek
John Richard Donnelly
Patrick Donnelly
Charna Epstein
Eve and Mark Epstein
Karen Favakeh
Chris Foreman
Barbara Gardner
Frances Gasbarra
Leanne Gehrig
Carolyn and Bill Gifford
Kendal and Ken Gladish
Maureen Glasoe
Ted Glasoe
Robert Gordon
Emily Guthrie
Melanie Harris
Lynne H. Heidt
Jessica Hesselberg
Ruth Ann Hladish
Dan Hodgman
David and Liane Hodgman
Naomi Hodgman
Amy and Tom Hodgman
Sue Holbert
Britt Jacobsen
Dorothea Jacobsen-Wenzel
James Family
Ann Jennett
Aleck Johnsen
Janelle Johnson
Linda and Vins Johnson
Nathanael Jones
Clare Kelly
Kristine Lofquist
Deb Long
John Lucadamo
Ben Lumpkin
Ravi Lumpkin
Megan Lutz
Leslie Maclin
Julie Martin
Ann Mazza
Jane and John McCarthy
Shyanmei Wang and Pete McNamara
Lucia Miller
Bert Menco
Mary Mumbrue
Donna and Tim Pareti
Kathy Pilat
Charlotte Perelman
Layna Portugal
Barbara Putta
Myrnice Ravitch
Julie Rivera
John Robertson
Mary Laflin Rockwell Fund
Anna Roosevelt
Mary Rosinski
K Rospenda
Anthony Rossi
Karin Ruetzel
Sara Schastok
Joan Schneider
Karen Sonnicksen and John Sellers
Dennis Shea
Lois Shelgren
Andrew Shessler
Jeff Smith
Jack Stewart
K. J. Stewart
Kenneth Smith
Sue Smock-Lawson (in honor of Arielle)
Nancy Sreenan
Sheila Sullivan
Carlis Sutton
Judith Terrizzi
Diane Thodos
Paul Vanden Heuvel
Yolanda Vanderlaan
Cynthia Voelker
Tom Wallace
Dia and John Walsh
Bonnie Wefler
France Yoli-Joseph